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Showing all 11 results
25 Quick Formative Assessments for a Differentiated Classroom, 2nd Edition: Easy, Low-Prep Assessments That Help You Pinpoint Students’ Needs and Reach All Learners
$21.99 -
A Fresh Look at Phonics, Grades K-2: Common Causes of Failure and 7 Ingredients for Success
$34.95 -
Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners’ Success
$34.95 -
Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection
$42.95 -
Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Leader’s Guide
$34.95 -
English Learners in the Mathematics Classroom (Second Edition)
$34.95 -
Equitable Access for English Learners, Grades K-6: Strategies and Units for Differentiating Your Language Arts Curriculum
$39.95 -
Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Happiness
$34.99 -
My First Book of Korean Words: An ABC Rhyming Book of Korean Language and Culture
$10.95 -
My First Book of Vietnamese Words: An ABC Rhyming Book of Vietnamese Language and Culture
$10.95 -
Understanding Language: Supporting ELL Students in Responsive ELA Classrooms