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Reciprocal Teaching at Work: Powerful Strategies and Lessons for Improving Reading Comprehension, 3rd Edition


In this fully revised and expanded third edition of the bestselling Reciprocal Teaching at Work, Lori D. Oczkus provides both tried-and-true and fresh solutions for teaching reading comprehension.

Reciprocal teaching is a scaffolded discussion technique that builds on the Fab Four strategies that good readers use to understand text: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing.

With a focus on these four evidence-based and classroom-tested strategies, Oczkus presents new ways to use reciprocal teaching to improve students’ comprehension while actively engaging them in learning and encouraging independence. Appealing to students and teachers alike, reciprocal teaching encompasses social aspects of teaching and learning with modeling, think-alouds, and discussion.

This helpful guide is packed with fresh material, including:

  • More than 40 new and updated step-by-step lessons and minilessons that reflect current thinking and best practice.
  • Dozens of rich suggestions for diving into informational texts.
  • Updated research and relevant results that show the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching.
  • Creative and targeted tips that capitalize on the specific benefits of whole-class settings, guided reading groups, and literature circles.
  • Ideas for differentiating instruction for struggling readers and English language learners.
  • New and newly designed support materials, including reproducibles, posters, bookmarks, and a lesson planning menu.

With a wealth of ideas to get you started—and keep you going—this is the all-inclusive resource you need to help students become active, engaged, and independent readers who truly comprehend what they read.

Grades K-12

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