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Rebound: A Playbook for Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, and Rethinking Schools, Grades K-12


This is a Playbook to help schools and teachers
rebound from the trauma, anxiety, and chaos of
the Covid-era and go back to an improved version
of school that takes advantage of all we learned
about ourselves and about teaching and learning
during this stressful but innovative period. How
do we rebound our schools, take what we
learned, and make it better? Let’s go back better!

Key topics covered:

  • Healing from trauma, collective anxiety,
    cumulative traumatic experiences
    through SEL. Addresses the rough
    experiences that everyone has just had.
  • Greater collective SEL focus on adults
  • Focus on equity
  • Rebounding beyond recovering.
    Addresses the emotional issues that have
    occurred while moving into learning.
  • Accelerate with a dose of intervention.
  • Rebuilding the sense of agency that
    teachers have. Teachers need to feel like
    they can attribute success to their efforts.
  • Rebuilding agency of students
  • Moving from Learning loss to Learning
    LEAPS: Accelerating learning.

Preorder now! Available May 2021

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