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Implementing Mastery Learning (Third Edition)


The definitive classic—updated for our times.

After 50 years, Benjamin Bloom’s revolutionary work on mastery learning is more relevant than ever. One of the most widely researched and proven-effective education methodologies in existence, it provides a direct challenge to the traditional, deterministic, time-based approaches to teaching and learning that have perpetuated inequities for generations of children.

Mastery learning is the progenitor of many of today’s most promising teaching methods, including competency-based learning, personalized instruction, and differentiated instruction. It helped to elevate the importance and use of formative assessment as a powerful instructional practice. This timely new edition of the foremost practical guide includes:

  • Recent applications of the principles of mastery learning to distance, hybrid, and blended learning environments
  • Updates including evidence from recent implementation efforts, the results of the most current research on mastery learning and its implications for practice
  • Step-by-step guidance on implementation across grade levels and subject areas
  • Supplemental, on-line chapters that unpack the development of effective formative assessments and connections between RTI and mastery learning

Written by one of the most highly regarded scholar/practitioners in the field and the leading interpreter of Bloom’s work, this updated guidebook is essential reading for teachers, school leaders, professional learning communities, and anyone who believes that all students can learn well, achieve success, and become confident learners.



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