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Disrupting the Teacher Opportunity Gap: Aligning 12 Processes for High-Expertise Teaching


The teachers aren’t the problem—it’s the system that needs fixing.

The missing element in 70 years of school reform is a surround-sound focus on High-Expertise Teaching. We could have it in any district, regardless of zip code, if we reengineered the twelve processes that impact teachers’ knowledge and skill. A handbook for action and a persuasive case for making every school a reliable engine of constant learning, this book outlines the actions necessary to ensure High-Expertise Teaching reaches more children, more of the time.

Informed by a substantial research base and decades of implementation, scholar-practitioner Jon Saphier presents the foundational elements of High-Expertise Teaching in this capstone work, along with

  • A comprehensive plan for effective implementation to scale
  • An assets-based approach to high expectations, culturally responsive teaching, and rigor
  • Templates for re-engineering school- and district-based processes
  • Guidance for leaders on honing their own skills to implement change

Excellent teaching is complex and demanding, with challenges beyond what any teacher-preparation program can cover. That’s why we must create a workplace environment that enables and prioritizes continuous professional learning about High-Expertise Teaching.

Grades PreK-12

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