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Experience Inquiry: 5 Powerful Strategies, 50 Practical Experiences


Discover inquiry for yourself with this interactive guide

Plenty of resources speak to the benefits of inquiry, the research behind it, and even subject-specific processes to follow. But that’s not enough. Implementing inquiry is the tricky part, and involves changing beliefs about the teacher and student roles in the classroom. Most critically, we as teachers must engage in inquiry ourselves to successfully implement it in the classroom.

One part practical guide, one part interactive journal, this book provides the opportunity to do inquiry as you read about it. You’ll learn what inquiry-based instruction looks like in practice through five key strategies, all of which can be immediately implemented in any learning environment. This resource offers

  • -Practical examples of what inquiry looks like in the classroom, and how to do it
  • -Opportunities for reflection throughout the book, including self-surveys, templates, and tools
  • -A user-friendly handbook format for quick reference and logical progression through your inquiry journey
  • -Fifty practical inquiry experiences that can be used individually, with students, or in small groups of teachers

These strategies and experiences will improve your relationships with students and colleagues, reduce your workload by asking more of students, and breathe joyful curiosity back into your classroom. Let’s get out of our comfort zones and do inquiry-based teaching in a more practical and powerful way! Are you ready?

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