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The Complete Guide to Teaching with Phonics in Motion


Whether you’re a teacher, homeschool parent, mom or dad, or grandparent, teaching and learning can be wildly fun and powerful at the same time. The PIM book will show you how . It’s time to ditch hard-to-remember rules, and boring, stressful, one-size-fits-all curriculums. If you are invested in a child’s journey to become proficient speakers, readers, and writers and want to teach them in a way that is both effective and honors their child spirit, look no further.

For decades, PIM users have asked for a comprehensive book that explains our teaching method. With a seemingly endless number of stories to teach with (H is a trouble maker!), even the most experienced PIM teachers would always leave their annual training with something new and sparkly, imagining how their students would burst into laughter. They wrote them down and brought them back to their classrooms. They asked for the PIM book and it took years to write, but it’s here! This book is written in a way that is clear and easy to understand for professional educators and families alike.

This program, created by a former student of Dr. Tim Rasinski, is a stand alone book for teachers, or parents, as well as the base for the professional development program developed by Carina Powers.

Grades: Preschool-Third

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