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Welcome to Teaching!: An Illustrated Guide to the Best Profession in the World 1st Edition


Your Hands-On Guide to Thriving Your First Year of Teaching

You’ve made the incredible decision to become an educator because you want to impact the learning lives of young people. Thank you, and welcome. We welcome you to this amazing profession with open arms, and with an arsenal of experience and essential tools, strategies, and lessons to help you establish a successful and satisfying teaching career.

We wanted to make it easier for you to learn and practice these techniques that research shows increase student learning. To do so, we also considered cognitive psychology research that tells us that images and illustrations can help strengthen communication and our own understanding. This helped us develop the unique format for this book: part hands-on playbook, part professional book, and all highly illustrated, it is designed to make complicated concepts more digestible and memorable.

This extensive guide for new teachers provides everything you need to impact learning from your first day on, including:

  • How to plan powerful learning experiences that ensure student engagement
  • 22 step-by-step learning strategies for any grade and any subject
  • Detailed guidance for developing formative and summative assessments
  • 30+ classroom videos demonstrating the techniques and strategies in action

Teaching is without a doubt one of the most challenging professions there is. But those who chose to accept that challenge are what make teaching the best profession in the world!

Grades PreK-12

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