Stop Fake Work in Education: Creating Real Work Cultures That Drive Student Success
Don’t do more work—do the right work.
Educators at all levels have increasing demands keeping them working harder than ever, but they are often working hard on things that don’t really help them reach the loftiest of goals—student success. This “Fake Work” can mire the most dedicated educator in exhaustion, burnout, and a lack of confidence that improvement is possible.
Nielson and Burks show leaders and their teams how to stop doing Fake Work, by providing tools for gaining focus, building high-performance teams, and identifying and driving the right work with the right behaviors. When you offer your team a better way of working, planning, and collaborating, you turn Fake Work into Real Work—and stagnancy into dynamic change. This data-driven, research-based guide shows you
- · An overall approach to addressing your culture—the foundational elements that supports the change that sets you up for maximum performance.
- · A simple, three-part model—strategy, alignment, execution—for shedding Fake Work
- · Road maps for aligning organizational strategies and actions
- · Tools for gaining focus, building teams, and cultivating productive behaviors
- · Real educators’ stories
- · Exercises, reflection questions, charts, checklists, and more
School change remains elusive when the path to success is murky. Clear the way for principals, teachers and students by turning Fake Work into Real Work—and uncertainty into true success.
Preorder now! Available August 2020